Course Syllabus

Instructor Bio

I am Samarendra Hedaoo, your Instructor for CS464 this quarter. Before I became an Instructor at the School of EECS, I worked at the Open Source Lab where we interacted with various Free and Open Source software groups daily about their infrastructure hosted at Oregon State. I also ran a small startup in 2015 in which we open sourced all the code we wrote. While I was in college we also made available the source for all the software we developed. My first job involved developing and maintaining a microfinance banking solution which was under an Open Source license.

Apart from all these Open Source-y things, I love cooking and reading.

I hope we have a great term together!


Instructor Contact Information

I am available via:

The primary mode of office hours by the TAs, unless otherwise indicated, will be the #general channel on Slack.  At the beginning and end of each office hour, the TAs will inform on Slack.

Slack Information

In addition to Canvas, we'll be using Slack for discussions. The Slack URL for this course is at Make sure you join the #general channel for office hours/general class discussion.

For a detailed guide on setting up Slack, check the link at

Contacting the TAs

Times are in PDT.

Special office hour schedule for Week 4:

Tue: 5 to 6pm run by Shan and the GenderMag team

Wed: 5 to 6pm run by Hima and the GenderMag team

Thur: 3 to 4pm run by Abdullah and the GenderMag team

Office hours:

Monday [Shan] 10 - 11 am
Tuesday [Abdullah] 2 - 3 pm
Wednesday [Vijay] 10 - 11 am [Hima] 4:30 - 5:30 pm
Thursday [Abdullah] 2 - 3 pm [Hima] 4:30 - 5:30 pm
Friday [Shan] 2 - 3 pm


TA: Abdullah Azzouni


TA: Vijay Tadimeti


TA: Hima Gotlur


TA: Shan Gohar


All technical questions, questions about assignments/quizzes, anything that you learn in class, except if it's related to your grade, should be posted in the Discussion Forum so that all students benefit from it.

eCampus Resources These resources will be useful for all of your classes throughout the term... Library Information, Helpdesk Contact Info, Canvas Tech Support, etc.

NOTE: Some links in this syllabus page may only be accessible to currently enrolled students.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due